People Who Like Intro To Layouts In Rhino For Mac

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Keisuke 'Casey' Yoshida, president of a U.S. Subsidiary of Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd., was behind the wheel of a Rhino prototype.

Recorded webinar sessions on Rhino for Windows and Rhino for Mac by McNeel Europe available on Vimeo For some months now, McNeel Europe has been offering a series of free webinars on Rhino for Windows and Rhino for Mac in 5 different languages (English, French, German, Italian and Spanish). Rhino Introduction Rhinoceros (Rhino) is commercial NURBS-based 3-D modeling software. The software is commonly used for industrial design, architecture, marine design, jewelry design, automotive design, CAD / CAM, rapid prototyping, reverse engineering, product design as well as the multimedia and graphic design industries. AutoCAD products for Mac include much of the functionality of the Windows versions but have a look and feel that is familiar to Mac users and a feature set designed for the Mac OS environment. Compare AutoCAD vs. AutoCAD for Mac.

Ike Miyachi, a company vice president in charge of Rhino development, rode beside him in the passenger seat. After descending a long hill to flat ground, the Rhino tipped over, giving Miyachi a foot injury.

At a meeting weeks later, Yoshida raised a question that now seems prophetic. 'Casey wants update on instability of vehicle for future liability cases,' according to minutes obtained by CBS News.

The Rhino was a hit, with more than 150,000 sold after its introduction 15 months later in fall, 2003. But the vehicle, which looks like a cross between a golf cart with attitude, and an all-terrain vehicle, or ATV, is at the center of a legal firestorm. At least 59 riders have been killed in Rhino accidents, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission. More than 440 wrongful death and personal injury lawsuits are pending, and Yamaha has settled others.

Many stem from rollovers in which drivers or passengers fell or were flung through the open door space to the ground, then smashed by the 1,100 pound vehicle. Adults and children as young as 3 years old have suffered gruesome injuries, including amputated limbs and crushed legs, arms or heads. Plaintiffs say the Rhino is dangerously unstable due to its unusually narrow stance, high ground clearance and lack of a rear differential to help in turning.

They also claim the Rhino's seat belts tend to unspool during rollovers, resulting in belted occupants being partially ejected. The Rhino has 'significant problems,' said Inez Tenenbaum, who in June became chairman of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. 'The public needs to be aware that, already, 59 people have been killed in these vehicles.' Under pressure from the agency, Yamaha on March 31 announced a 'free repair program' to improve the Rhino's handling and stability-seemingly a recall in everything but name.

The company agreed to install spacers on the rear axles of the vehicles to make them a few inches wider, to remove their rear anti-sway bars, and install protective half-doors on Rhinos that don't already have them. Owners who watch a safety video when they bring in their Rhinos will also get a $100 coupon toward purchase of a helmet. Yamaha stressed that the action was not a recall, but a 'voluntary repair program.' Avoiding the term 'recall' rankled some agency officials and consumers, but in agreeing to make the repairs, Yamaha insisted on calling it something else. In an interview with CBS News, Tenenbaum said the safety commission is continuing to investigate. She said that if the Rhino is found to be too dangerous even with the changes, she would be willing to seek a ban.

Yamaha says it has cooperated fully with the safety commission. The company maintains there is nothing wrong with the Rhino, and that rollovers don't occur when drivers follow instructions on warning labels and in the owner's manual.

The Rhino is 'a safe, reliable and versatile vehicle,' and 'virtually every Rhino-related incident involves at least one warned against behavior (such as failure to wear a seatbelt and/or helmet, underage driver, excessive speed, alcohol/drugs or inattention to terrain/collision),' according to a statement issued by Yamaha Motor Corp. Jon Crowley, an off-road enthusiast who runs the website and agrees with Yamaha, said he believed most of the injured would have blamed themselves but for plaintiffs lawyers trolling for clients on the Internet and TV. The Rhino is not an ATV, but a 'side-by-side'- a category of off-road vehicle that is gaining popularity and is not subject to any government standards. Unlike ATVs, which riders straddle like a motorcycle, side-by-sides are more jeep-like, with seating for two, a steering wheel instead of handlebars, a rear cargo bed - and safety features such as seat belts and a roll cage.

The Rhino has a narrower track and higher ground clearance than most all other popular side-by-sides-enabling it to crawl over rocks and through tight spaces. But just as a stool tips more easily than an easy chair, experts say a narrower, taller vehicle is more apt to roll over in turning maneuvers or uneven terrain. Engineers for plaintiffs' lawyers say the Rhino has a low stability factor, a rough arithmetical measure of rollover risk based on a vehicle's track width and the height of its center of gravity. Yamaha has touted the Rhino's off-road prowess with a made-up word -'terrainability.' ' 'Don't Just Tackle Tough Terrain,' said a Rhino ad. 'Make It Say Uncle.' ' Yet serious accidents have allegedly occurred under seemingly benign conditions-at low to moderate speeds, on relatively flat ground, and without drivers knowingly doing anything adventurous or sporty.

Rollovers have even occurred at dealerships when employees were moving Rhinos around the lot, or taking customers on test drives, court records show. Like Ike Miyachi, the president of Yamaha France suffered a leg injury when his Rhino tipped in 2005. YouTube video of Rhino spill on sand. There have clearly been accidents in which riders failed to follow safety instructions. The CPSC identified cases where people failed to wear seatbelts or helmets. But Jason Shamblin, a Birmingham, Alabama, lawyer representing dozens of Rhino plaintiffs, said he has 'not filed any cases where my client has been operating or has been a passenger on a Rhino that has been driven as aggressively as I have seen on some Rhino TV ads.'

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' The product safety commission lent some support to such claims. In announcing the repair program in March, the agency said 'Of the rollover-related deaths and hundreds of reported injuries, some of which were serious, many appear to involve turns at relatively low speeds and on level terrain.'

Grimes is one of at least several Rhino owners allegedly hurt the first day they got behind the wheel. A former sheriff's deputy and school construction planner, Grimes bought his Rhino in September, 2004, to haul brush and water trees on his rural property near Bakersfield, CA. A couple of days later, he tried it out on desert scrubland near his home.

Going 10 to 15 miles per hour on flat, but rough, terrain, Grimes said he made a right turn and the Rhino flipped, chopping his left leg against the ground. Grimes crawled away in search of help, but made it only a few hundred yards. When he failed to come home a few hours later, his son went looking and found him by following the Rhino's tracks. It appeared he might lose his mangled leg, but nine operations saved it. Grimes regained the ability to walk, but has limited mobility and chronic pain. His lawsuit filed in January, 2005, ended in a confidential settlement. 'I just wish that nobody else would have to go through what I have been through-and other people have been through worse,' Grimes said.

'Anybody who gets on one of these (Rhinos) should be aware they're dangerous.' ' Yamaha told CBS that its testing showed Grimes was going faster than he said, and disputed his claim that he was wearing his seat belt. The company settled the case without admitting liability.

Justin Miller was 16 when he took his first ride on a Rhino - and came home missing a hand. An experienced ATV rider, the Northridge, CA. Teen was on a camping trip over Memorial weekend in 2008 when he took his family's new Rhino for a spin. He had descended a low hill to fairly level ground, and said he was going less than 15 miles per hour when the Rhino tipped. Apparently in shock, he didn't realize how badly he was hurt until he saw blood everywhere and his hand nearly severed from his wrist. Doctors at Stanford University Medical Center performed seven surgeries but were unable to save the hand.

People Who Like Intro To Layouts In Rhino For Mac

Saying the company is still investigating the accident, a Yamaha spokesman cited a police report stating that the Rhino was going about 20 miles an hour on the hill, and hit a rock or bump. Despite the trauma of his loss and constant pain, Miller seems remarkably philosophical.

'In my mind, I've always believed that some things happen for a reason, so I've tried to keep an optimistic view.' ' Never an outstanding student before the accident, Miller returned for his senior year, worked harder than ever, and for the first time he says he got straight `A's'. Now preparing to start college, he is counting on his lawsuit to get him a sophisticated prosthesis costing well over $100,000. 'What they're (Yamaha) doing is endangering people,' Miller said. Their 'main concern is making a profit.' ' Some bereaved parents have turned anti-Rhino crusaders, including Texas resident Heidi Crow.

Her 9-year-old son, J.T. Crow, died of head injuries when a Rhino allegedly travelling about 15 miles per hour tipped over on a logging trail. Another, John Sand of Lebanon, Ohio, lost his 10-year-old daughter Ellie in October, 2007, when the family was at a barbecue with members of their church and a guest was giving rides on a Rhino. Sand created a website in her memory, where he has posted court papers and Yamaha documents.

Yamaha says both cases substantiate its view that operator error, not faulty design, is to blame. The company recommends that Rhinos be driven by licensed drivers at least 16; the Crow child was a passenger on a Rhino driven by his 12-year old sister. The 21-year-old operator of the Rhino that rolled over on Ellie Sand had allowed three other kids to crowd into the back of the vehicle, though the Rhino is designed for a single passenger. He was charged with vehicular manslaughter, a misdemeanor, and sentenced to 90 days in jail. Sand still blames the vehicle's design.

'There's some simple changes that could have been made from the beginning that would have spared my daughter's life and other peoples' arms and legs,' he said. While pundits mourn the advance of the nanny state, there remains widespread tolerance for the long arc of injuries and deaths from off-road vehicles. Since the 1980s, at least 10,000 people have died in ATV accidents-more than one-quarter of them kids under 16, according to data from the CPSC.

The annual death toll has been rising with more ATVs in the field. According to some experts, the situation shows the pitfalls of relying mainly on warnings to control the risks of dangerous products, instead of on safer designs.

YouTube video shows Rhino spill in mud. The product safety commission took action in the mid-1980s amid a spike in injuries and deaths. In December, 1987, the agency sued five leading distributors, including Yamaha, declaring ATVs to be an 'imminently hazardous consumer product.' ' The companies agreed in a settlement to stop distributing 3-wheel ATVs, the most unstable kind-though they did not have to recall existing 3-wheelers.

Otherwise, the main focus was consumer education, including blunt warning labels and safety videos. The commission also wanted a stability standard for ATVs to reduce tipovers.

The industry balked, arguing that such stability measures, based on vehicles' physical dimensions, were a poor predictor of real-world rollover risk. The agency backed off, settling for the companies' promise not to lower the stability of future models. For a while, things got better. In 1988, the year of the settlement, there were 250 ATV-related fatalities. Despite rising ATV sales, the toll mostly hovered between 200 and 250 deaths for several years. Then, casualties rose sharply with growing sales of ATVs. ATV injuries requiring emergency room treatment nearly tripled from 52,800 in 1997 to 150,900 in 2007, according to commission figures.

For the first time, deaths topped 500 in 2001; then exceeded 650 in 2003 and 800 in 2005. At the same time, warnings about all manner of possible driver errors strengthened the industry's hand in liability cases. The companies suddenly had a 'buffet of defenses' against almost any claim, said Ralph E. Chapman, a Mississippi lawyer for plaintiffs in ATV and, more recently, Rhino cases.

The companies could 'just go through the buffet line and pick out what to eat.' ' Carol Pollack-Nelson, a human factors psychologist formerly with the CPSC and now a safety advisor to businesses, said the situation illustrates the need to design out hazards rather than rely primarily on warnings. 'You have a product that's inherently got some pretty serious dangers,' and people use it 'the way they think it's intended to be used,' she said. 'They're not trying to drive their granny to the store. It goes fast, it goes over bumps, it goes over open terrain.

Why else would they have bought the thing?' ' With more than 140 subsidiaries and affiliates worldwide and nearly $16.8 billion in 2008 sales, Japan-based Yamaha Motor Co. Is a leading distributor of motorcycles, snowmobiles, and watercraft, along with ATVs and the Rhino. Lawsuits against the company and its American units involved with the Rhino are scattered across the U.S.

though a majority have been consolidated in three courts for the purpose of legal discovery. More than 120 cases are pending in the superior court of Orange County, CA, home of Yamaha Motor Corp., USA, the Rhino distributor. Dozens more are in state court in Georgia, where another Yamaha subsidiary manufactures the vehicles.

Suits filed in federal courts have been brought before a U.S. District judge in Louisville, Ky. None of the cases has been tried. Yamaha has produced hundreds of thousands of pages of internal documents, and at least a dozen company officials have had their depositions taken -though most of the information is locked up tight.

The records remain secret under protective orders demanded by Yamaha's lawyers. Even so, a number of documents and transcripts filed as exhibits tell the Rhino story. The 'NGV (New Generation Vehicle)', as the Rhino was known inside the company, began to take shape in 1999. The vehicle would become the 'new generation of off-road vehicle for outdoor man,' in the words of an internal document. Existing side-by-side models were utilitarian work vehicles and not much fun. Yamaha targeted a crossover market of hunters, fishermen, and aging off-roaders wanting something easier to ride than an ATV, and the ability to take along a friend. A promotional video touting the Rhino's narrow stance showed that it fit in the bed of a full-size pickup, eliminating the need to pull a trailer.

No government standards applied to side-by-sides, and Yamaha wanted to keep it that way. There was a risk of the Rhino being defined as a motor vehicle and falling under authority of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, with its myriad safety standards-particularly if Rhinos were driven on public roads. Yamaha 'must not allow a classification of `motor vehicle' for the NGV,' declared an internal company document in May, 2000.

As a precaution, the company used tires that weren't suitable for paved surfaces, and warned against driving the Rhino on pavement and public roads. In a statement to CBS News, Yamaha said 'the Rhino was always intended to be an off-road vehicle' and because there are different regulatory issues for off-road and on road vehicles, 'this document simply reflects that Yamaha was aware of these different regulatory environments.' ' The Rhino quickly caught on, bringing 'more of an extreme off road capability to the market,' said Steve Nessl, marketing manager for Yamaha Motor Corp., USA. Some reviews were effusive, including this one in Popular Mechanics: 'Through some sort of engineering magic, Yamaha has built the first side-by-side vehicle that can compete with an ATV in serious off-road prowess.'

' Early on, there were warnings signs, too-revealed in phone logs of a company database, the Yamaha Call Management System. In October, 2003, a Yamaha dealer in Virginia reported that two employees had been injured when a Rhino flipped while travelling about 5 miles per hour. One suffered a broken wrist; the other minor injuries.

Also that month, another dealer reported that a technician had 'rolled unit over in paved lot.' ' The dealer was 'concerned about stability,' said the log, adding that the dealer was advised: 'Unit not for pavement use.' A Minnesota dealer reported in November, 2004, that a customer suffered serious injuries on a test drive, including a broken leg and ruptured spleen.

'From what dlr could tell from inspection cust was going at excessive speeds and making sharp maneuvers when she rolled the unit,' the log said. In July, 2005, the Farm Industry News sponsored a 'Utility Vehicle Shootout', asking a panel of farmers to rate popular side-by-sides. The Rhino finished a close second out of 10 models.

But after the competition, an 18-year old intern for the publication, riding as a passenger in a Rhino, broke his leg when the vehicle tipped. 'Witnesses say they were not going more than 5-7 MPH,' according to the phone log, but added that the driver had been drinking. Yamaha Dealership Employee Tips Rhino At a Florida dealership, a customer broke his ankle on a test ride with a salesman in November, 2005. In June, 2006, a Delaware man reported that he'd sold his Rhino after rolling it twice. 'A 60-year-old lady bought the unit to haul around firewood,' the phone log said. Many lawsuits stem from injuries suffered when the rider put his leg through the open door space- either unintentionally or as a protective reflex when the vehicle tipped.

According to plaintiffs, scores of injuries would have been avoided if Yamaha had equipped the Rhino with leg restraints, such as the short half-doors it eventually offered as a retrofit. The company did not have to look far for examples of where the doors might have helped. Ike Miyachi, the vice president who suffered an injured foot when the prototype for the Rhino tipped, said in a September, 2006, deposition, that he stuck out his leg in an attempt to brace the vehicle as it tipped on its side. In 2005, the president of Yamaha France was injured when he got a leg outside a Rhino, court records show.

The French executive, Jean-Claude Olivier, then ordered the installation of diagonal bars in the openings near the floor to keep riders' legs inside. When officials in Japan learned about the fix, they ordered the bars removed. In blaming accidents on Rhino drivers, Yamaha does not spare its own.

In a statement to CBS News, Yamaha said Olivier suffered 'a medium ankle sprain' because he 'performed an aggressive maneuver causing a rollover.' ' As for removal of the diagonal bars installed by its French unit, the statement said company engineers feared they might become a tripping hazard or be used as footrests-putting feet outside the cabin. Records show that Yamaha had begun investigating the use of leg protection by early 2006 - but didn't offer the half doors until August 2007. The retrofit offer covered 2004-07 Rhinos. Doors became standard on the 2008 model. In deposition testimony, senior Yamaha engineers said they had considered using doors in the first place-then gave a surprising explanation for deciding not to. Doors would create such a feeling of safety, they said, that riders might not wear helmets or seat belts.

In a deposition in May, 2008, Takanori Suzuki, former project leader for the Rhino, said even now the only reason to include doors is that 'occupants are intentionally sticking their legs out in situations involving aggressive driving and abrupt maneuvers.' ' A couple of times over the last two years, Yamaha sent letters to Rhino owners expanding on safety warnings. But the product safety commission is investigating whether Yamaha made timely disclosures to the agency of possible safety risks. Company representatives did brief commission staff, including at a meeting in August, 2006.

But in January, a few weeks before Yamaha suspended sales of the Rhinos and notified owners of the necessary safety improvements, the agency issued a subpoena to Yamaha for a large volume of records. Agency officials have declined to discuss the reason for the subpoena.

But current and former product safety officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the commission usually relies on self-reporting by companies, and that subpoenas are rare. The sources said the action showed the agency thought Yamaha's disclosures may have been incomplete. The agency can levy financial penalties on companies found to have withheld information about possible product defects. Yamaha says it has cooperated fully-at the same time arguing there were no defects to report. 'The company's been very upfront with the commission,' Yamaha lawyer David Murray said in an interview.

'But we fundamentally do not agree that there is any sort of design problem with this product, and we've made that clear in each of our conversations with the commission.'

In Class Today: – Syllabus overview and course expectations. – Student introductions. – (Google Slides).

– Drafting exercises What you need for this class: 1. Three-button mouse 2. Sketchbook/ journal 3. Download HOMEWORK. Read: PDF. Design and draft: of Islamic Geometric Design and bring your finished sketches to the next class Also for next week: 1. BUY a three-button mouse ( this is not optional: please bring it to class next week!) 1.1 Budget option ($5): 1.2 Mid-range option ($20): 1.3 High-end option ($52): 2.

DOWNLOAD trial version of Rhino for Mac Your Mac needs to be updated to OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5) or later. Posted on Categories.

In Class today: – Review 2D Rhino Commands and curve editing – Understanding: curves, surfaces, and solids – Editing surfaces – Introduction to Project: Build Chess Pieces. Understanding coordinate systems in Rhino. NURB surfaces. Surface extrusions. Loft command.

Revolve command (review). Sweep command. Editing surfaces. Surface analysis Download files for this module: What are surfaces? A surface is like a rectangular stretchy rubber sheet.

The NURBS form can represent simple shapes, such as planes and cylinders, as well as free-form, sculptured surfaces. All surface creation commands in Rhino result in the same object: a NURBS surface. Rhino has many tools for constructing surfaces directly or from existing curves. All NURBS surfaces have an inherently rectangular organization. Even a closed surface such as a cylinder is like a rectangular piece of paper that has been rolled up so two opposite edges are touching.

The place where the edges come together is called the seam. If a surface does not have a rectangular shape, either it has been trimmed or the control points on the edges have been moved. A surface can be open or closed.

An open cylinder is closed in one direction.A torus (doughnut shape) is closed in two directions. NOTE: Before reading further, understand that Rhino creates hybrid models that can include surfaces, polysurfaces, and solids. Solids are single surfaces or polysurfaces that form a closed body (3D only). Because surfaces have a surface normal (direction determining a front and back face), Rhino understands a volume when a Solid is formed because all the faces are automatically adjusted (if required) to face outwards. Creating surfaces: Once you’ve created your curves, you can start generating surfaces. Although you can make almost any kind of shape and create extremely complex designs the technique of generating this complexity is quite simple.

There are 4 ways of generating shapes from curves. If you know these four techniques you can build almost anything:. The first option is the extrusion (ExtrudeCrv) of a curve. This can be a closed curve like the example or an open curve. The form freedom which you have with this option is limited to the shape of the curve and the height of the extrusion.

The sweep 1 rail (Sweep1) increase the form freedom because the direction of the extrusion can be varied. This gives you more possibilities to alter the final outcome of the shape than the straight extrusion. The shape can have different sections. The loft (Loft) is in this set one of the most powerful modelling options. You not only can change the section over the height of the shape but also the location of the sections. This option can generate very simple complex shapes.

The last option is the simplest. It will generate a surface on the inside of a closed flat curve.

(PlanarSrf) Although there are additional options available for generating surfaces, they are all related to these 4 principle options. All commands to create surfaces can be found under Surface Surface – Extrude Curve Creates an extrusion of a curve profile. There are several options available which gives you a bit more choice in complexity of the generated geometry. The option of extruding along a curve differs from the Sweep 1 rail because the section does not align with the curve generating a non-continuous section. There are four ways in Rhino to create an extrusion:.

Straight (ExtrudeCrv). Along Curve (ExtrudeCrvAlongCrv).

To Point (ExtrudeCrvToPoint). Tapered (ExtrudeCrvTapered) Surface – Loft Creates a surface between two or more selected curves. If you select the curves one by one, then the loft will folow the selected order. If you select the curves via a selection window, Rhino will use the most ‘logical’ order.

Sweep 2 Rail Creates also surface through at least one profile curve, but the surface is defined by two curves (rails). This option is in essence similar to the sweep 1 rail, the difference is that here we use two rails. Surface Revolve Creates a surface by revolving a profile curve around an axis. Similar to an extrusion along a circle Surface – Rail Revolve Also creates a surface by revolving a profile curve around an axis, but the surface edge is defined by an extra curve (rail). Play the Tetris game in Rhino. Solids basics. Creating solids.

Freeform solids. Boolean operations.

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Editing solids. Polysurfaces What are solids? Polysurfaces vs. Primitives: Rhino has two options of defining a Solid.

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One is to combine a set of separate surfaces describing a volume into a solid. These surfaces have no thickness and only when combined they define a single, closed volume. These solids are called Poly-surfaces(multiple surfaces). The mathematical description of this geometry is completely different than solid primitives.The other option is based on the use of a very accurate mathematical defined primitives. Primitives are basic geometric shapes like a cube, cone, sphere, cylinder and pyramid. Several different primitives are available which can be combined into new shapes. The starting point however is always a primitive.

This makes it one the one hand easy to use, because the basic building blocks are given, but on the other hand is limits the freedom of designing. Primitives describe a volume and are called Constructive Solid Geometry or CSG. We will focus on these solids in this part of the explanation because they are easy to make and gives you an idea on the influence of the mathematical description of the geometry, defining the geometry type, on the design process. An influence which you need to understand to make the correct choice in geometry type when you design in the computer. Rhino has the option of defining several different primitives. Although the typology of the primitive is predefined, additional settings are available which can be changed. If the object is created it will be placed on the grid unless you used the object snap options to align the primitive to another object.

The solids can be created by selecting in the pull down menu Solid. The roll-out menu gives access to a range of different primitives. Check the command line for additional options once you activated the command. Solid objects A solid is a surface or polysurface that encloses a volume. Solids are created anytime a surface or polysurface is completely closed. Rhino creates single-surface solids, polysurface solids, and extrusion solids. Draw single surface solids A single surface can wrap around and join itself.

Example commands include,. Control points can be displayed on single-surface solids and moved to change the surface. Draw a solid ellipsoid. Draw a solid sphere. Draw a torus (donut shape).

Draw polysurface solids Some Rhino commands create polysurface solids. A polysurface consists of two or more surfaces that are joined together. A polysurface that encloses a volume of space defines a solid., and are examples of commands that create polysurface solids. The command turns on grip points for polysurfaces, which act like control points. Draws a solid box.

Draw a cylinder. Draw a parabolic surface or capped solid. Draw a pyramid. Draw a pyramid whose apex is truncated by a plane. Draw a closed cylinder with a concentric cylindrical hole. Create solid object from curves or surfaces Extrude closed planar curves normal to the curve plane toward a boundary surface where the boundary surface is trimmed and joined to the extruded objects. Drive closed planar curves in a straight line.

Drive surface edges in a straight line to create a solid. Create a, or object with a circular profile around a curve. Extrude a curve in two directions to a boundary surface. Offset a polyline, and extrude and cap the result to create a solid. Edit solid objects A solid is a surface or polysurface that encloses a volume. Solids can be edited without breaking them into individual surfaces.

These commands do their best to maintain the closed solid. Fill planar openings with a surface joined to the hole edge.

Create a ruled surface at polysurface edges. Create a closed polysurface from surfaces.

Create a tangent surface between polysurface edges. Rotate polysurface faces around an axis. Combine co-planar polysurface faces. Combine all co-planar polysurface faces. Move a polysurface edge. Move a polysurface face.

Move the edge of an untrimmed polysurface face. Move an untrimmed polysurface face. Remove the selected surfaces from a polysurface, and then offset the remaining surfaces to create a solid with a specified thickness. Divide a planar polysurface face.

However there are additional tools to support the generation of more complex geometry. These options are called Boolean operations. The command Solid » Boolean Two Objects lets you scroll through the different Boolean operation options which can be useful for exploring the different effects of the different Boolean operations. Although the options of volume interaction ( Boolean operations) and the amount of different primitives are limited the final complexity of the geometry can be quite substantial.

Union Shapes that intersect can be combined into a single new object. The command for this is Solid » Union.

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Check the command line for additional options. Difference If you want to make a hole in an object, you can subtract an object the size of the hole from another object (that remains).

The command for this is Solid » Difference. Check the command line for additional options. Intersect The last option is the definition of the common geometry of two objects. The command for this is Solid » Intersect.

Check the command line for additional options. Boolean objects Use Boolean operations to shortcut trimming and joining operations. Boolean solids The Boolean commands work best on closed surfaces and polysurfaces that intersect each other completely. Cycle through possible Boolean operations between two objects.

Subtract the volume of one set of objects from another. Create a new solid from solids’ intersected volumes. Split and close solids at intersections. Combine the volumes of one or more objects. Editing Solids Editing solids involves moving one of the surfaces or edges of the solid or to move the corner points.

Three components of the solid can thus be moved: Editing with corner points: Editing edges of solids Editing faces of solids Fillet Edges Fillet Edge Solid » Fillet Edge » Fillet Edge creates round edges Blend edge Solid » Fillet Edge » Blend Edge almost similar to Fillet Edge, but has more control points Chamfer Edge Solid » Fillet Edge » Chamfer Edge creates cornered edges Cap Planar Edges Sometimes when you fillet edges, holes can appear on faces. To close these holes use: Solid » Cap Planar Holes Polysurfaces Polysurfaces are volumes build with NURBS surfaces. Several NURBS surfaces can describe a volume. However the computer doesn’t recognize it as a volume, it doesn’t know that the surfaces are attached to form a volume. It will see it as a set of loose surfaces. However, with the option of “join” you can convert the set of NURBS surfaces to a solid.

This can be very useful when adding thickness to a NURBS surface. Normally this has to be done by making an offset of the surface and then closing the sides with a loft. This can be quite tedious work. However it is possible to make an offset of the surface and convert it directly into a solid, hence closing the sides.

These options are integrated in the surface editing tools. The Join Option. The most laborious method of creating a solid from a set of NURBS surfaces is actually building a set of NURBS surfaces which describe a volume and then “join” them. The advantage is of this method is that you can use the tools for NURBS geometry to create extreme complex shapes and then convert them into a solid.

If you want to turn the solid back into a set of NURBS to be able to take full advantage of the NURBS editing options you can use the explode icon. This will convert the solid into a set of separate NURBS surfaces. Operations With Surfaces And Curves Project Curve To Surface If you have a line that you want to “project” to a surface (for example, to cut the surface with it), then you should use command. Please note that Project will project the curve using the normal to construction plane. So you either need to rotate CPlane in position normal to projection, or use some Ortho view (ie. Front, Left, Right).

Cut (Trim) Surface Using Shape If you didn’t know it so far – command work both on lines and the surfaces! In this case, we will use the curve we projected in the previous step to Trim the surface which will create a hole. By the way, I strongly suggest you to see all the possible uses of Trim. Offset Curve On Surface Sometimes you have a line (curve) laying directly on the surface (maybe you extracted it from the surface – see below, or projected it onto it.). If you want to perform such an offset to the line that the line maintains on the surface, use command.

Rounded Edges is a complex command that can round the sharp edges between the two surfaces. The result is a smooth rounded tangent surface. Note that the radius of the curvature can vary (not in this example). See more info about this command, especially if you get bad results. Here how the command works:. Select surface with the edges to fillet. Then select the edges (one by one, sometimes can be difficult).

You will notice probably some numbers appearing. If you zoom in, you will see what that means: At the corners of the edges you select, you will see handles that define how big the curvature radius will be at that point (in this case, all the points will have radius 0.30). You also see the actual curvature line, which helps you anticipate results. To finish edge selection, press ENTER. If you want to change the radius for all handles, click SetAll option (in video: 0:38min). You can also change the radius manually by dragging each handle.

If you want more precision, you may want to add more handles (AddHandle option). Now the actual video: Using AutoChain option, you can select the more than one edge segment at once. AutoChain is basically a string of connected edge segments, and we activate it by AutoChain =YES in the edge selection mode (following video, 0:09min). With this option on, everytime we select an edge, Rhino will automatically select all connected edge. However, sometimes, as in this video, an edge may have several connected edges, so we need to tell Rhino which one we want.

See how in this video I used AutoChain to select connected edges, but made sure not to select “short vertical” edges by only selecting the “hole outline edges” in pop-up Selection Menu: Extract Surface From Polysurface Polysurface is an object that contains more than one joined surface. For example, a cylinder is a polysurface: it contains the top, the bottom (both circular surfaces) and then the “rolled” sides. Here how we can extract one of the surfaces from such objects – there are different reason why we may need it. For example, we may want to open the extruded solid on one side, like below: Punching Holes In Surfaces We already seen how we can use Trim to punch a hole in a surface. However, if we want a hole to have a “depth”, we should use command, which is pretty straightforward: Joining Surfaces When you are modeling in Rhino, it is very likely that you will be modeling it piece by piece, creating different surfaces for different part of the object. If we only want to render the object, that’s often good enough. But if we want to 3D print it, it is very important that each of the objects we want to print is one single object in Rhino, and its surfaces must be perfectly connected without open (naked) edges. Another way to call these objects are watertight objects – they must not have any ‘leaking’ holes.

More info on modeling for 3D print, or (and in many other places online!). For now, we will see several good ways to join surfaces. Cool template 5388 pictures avery index card template for mac. Join Objects That Share The Same Edge The best way to make sure the objects are joined well is to model them in such a way that will permit easy joining. Best way to do that -whenever possible- is for the objects to share the same edge – very same line.

In the following video, I wanted to have the following two surfaces joined together:In order to do that, I can, for example, create surface 2 by extruding an ellipse that is actually projected on Surface 1. That way I am making sure that both Surface 1 and Surface 2 share the same edge (ellipse projected to Surface 1).

Note that I need, before joining, to actually Trim surface 1 using the ellipse – so that both surfaces are open. In order to join the two surfaces that share the same edge – well, you use command called (same one that joins the lines that share the same point). Note: although the two surfaces are now joined perfectly, this object still can’t be printed because it’s open at the top. So in order to print it, we would need to add thickness to it (so that the surface have “depth” as if they were walls). More on that below.

When Join Fails In order for Join to work, edges that the two surfaces share must be perfectly the same. Sometimes they look the same, but in fact they are not. Let’s consider this similar example, but this time using Loft command to make Surface 2 a bit more complex: If we do the same as in the previous video, but creating the Surface2 using Loft, the Join command will fail (see 0:52 in below video), saying “Can’t join that surface”. What it means is that although we used the same projected ellipse to create the loft object, Loft command itself has changed the ellipse slightly to make the object smoother. This means that now the two edges (one of surface 1 and other of surface 2, the loft) are not the same, although they VERY MUCH look the same on screen. In this case our best bet is to use command that will add another surface between the two separate edges.

Read below for info on how to connect two surfaces with open edges via BlendSrf, and note that by setting the parameters to “Position” for both 1 and 2 (see paramaters below in video) you will make straight connection. Connecting Two Surfaces Smoothly The command creates a blend surface between two surfaces. This surface can be smooth, continuing the curvature of both objects, or it can be straight – depending on blending parameters. In order for this to work, both surfaces need to have open edges that are -ideally- of similar shape and relatively close. Let’s see what’s done in the following video:. 0:00 – 0:20 – I’m creating a polysurface that I want to join to the bottom “mouse-like” surface. This polysurface has an open bottom.

0:23 – 0:40 – I am trimming open the “bottom” surface by a shape similar to what I used to create the top surface. Note that this shape, ellipse, is bigger than the ellipse used for creating top surface – it needs to be bigger to allow space for “blend curvature”. You’ll understand when you see results. 0:49 – 1:00 I’m starting BlendSrf command which will ask me for two sets of edges: one on the one surface we’re connecting and another set on another surface.

I select an edge on the bottom surface, then press ENTER, then select the edge on the top surface. 1:00 Here we have Adjust Surface Blend interface. Also see the handles that define the curvature. We can either manually drag the handles, or experiment in the Adjust Surface Blend – turn the Preview on, and try different options for both edge 1 and edge 2. Using AutoChain With BlendSrf Sometimes the selection of edges will not be as straightforward and easy as in the previous example. Instead, we may need to select many different edge segments one by one.

To speed things up, we can turn on AutoChain, which works in the same way as AutoChain we used in FilletEdge command (see above: Rounded Edges). Tip: When using AutoChain on curved smooth edges, it’s best to use ChainContinuity = Tangent; however when you use it on angular edges, use ChainContinuity = Position.

Boolean: Interset Or Substract Surfaces Boolean operations are the ways to use two 3D objects to create new one by one of the following methods:. Union: both objects are joined together (the edges will be created where the objects intersect). Difference A – B: first object is “substracted” from the second one.

Difference B – A: second object is “substracted” from the first one. Intersection: Only the parts that are shared by both objects remain. Since this sounds confusing, better check the video. We use command, select two objects and then click to “cycle” trough different methods – see what corresponding results are. More information on Boolean: Since Boolean operations sometimes can give unpredictable (faulty) results, if you see problems.

Important Note: Boolean operations can create dirty inaccurate meshes, so use them sparingly. For example, the object we created in this video using Boolean (elliptical cylinder with holes) would have better be done in this way:.

Create an elliptical cylinder. Draw circle in side view, and Project.

Trim to cut holes in cylinder using the projected curve (as we done before). Use OffsetSrf to give depth to the cylinder (see below on OffsetSrf) Adding Depth To The Surface: Solids In Rhino, all surfaces are infinitely thin – they have no depth. Since they are infinitely thin, they can’t be 3D printed. So in order to 3D print an object, its “walls” need to have depth, which we can add in different ways. Using Shell On Closed Polysurface If we already have a closed polysurface (solid), Rhino has an interesting command called.

Here’s basically what it does: Basically, it creates a hollowed out shell from a solid.In order for Shell to operate, it will ask us to remove some of the surfaces of the closed solid. See example, Shell command performed on the object we created in one of the previous steps using MakeHole command.

See how the resulting object (after removing of the selected surfaces) now have a thickness, a depth to it. Offseting Surfaces Another way to add depth to surfaces, which is used more often than Shell, is to offset surface using command. This command is very similar to the way we offset lines. It copies a surface or polysurface so that locations on the copied surface are the same specified distance from the original surface.

In order to create a watertight solid, use option Solid = Yes. Posted on Categories. From 3D – to 2D and back to 3D. Review 3D Models. Review: Curves, Surfaces, Solids and Solid Modeling.

Unroll / Layout. Learn Slicer for Fusion 360. Review: Curves, Surfaces, solids and solid modeling. 1.

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