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More Comprehensive Search Engines
Natalie's every move was photographed, a documentation of a happy childhood as comprehensive as it was false. — John Gregory Dunne, New York Review of Books, 15 Jan. 2004 Inevitably, though, in so comprehensive an account, some important events and themes are cursorily checked off — Isabel Fonseca, Times Literary Supplement, 29 Jan. 1993 Walcott proceeded to misinterpret these fossils in a comprehensive and thoroughly consistent manner — Stephen Jay Gould, Wonderful Life, 1989 a comprehensive overview of European history since the French Revolution a comprehensive listing of all the paintings generally attributed to the Dutch artist Rembrandt See More. Recent Examples on the Web Read on for a comprehensive look at breakouts, what's causing them, and how to treat them. — The effort, which helps communities re-envision a new economy, offers a comprehensive toolkit, helps them plan a new future, and has produced significant results. — The Bredesen Protocol Dale Bredesen’s protocol is designed as a comprehensive personalized program that aims to reverse the biological causes of cognitive decline and early Alzheimer’s disease.
— While unusual, the court could also fashion its own comprehensive solution that may impose obligations on the city that have never previously been discussed. — For more than two decades, the agency's National Threat Assessment Center has studied incidents of serious school violence, including the only comprehensive program for interviewing every surviving student shooter. — Here's a comprehensive history of every couple to ever be born out of a final rose. — The Racist History of Blackface in America Critics of Kelly’s comments brought up the brutal racial history of blackface in the U.S. The National Museum of African-American History & Culture offers a comprehensive look at that racist history. — Here are some tips for coming out to friends, featuring suggestions from the Trevor Project, an LGBTQ rights organization that has a comprehensive guide for coming out, including information on important vocabulary.
Comprehensive Search Engine List
— These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'comprehensive.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors.