Howto: Add Delegates Apple Calendar For Mac

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I have set up a Room Resource mailbox on Exchange 2013 and am trying to get the calendar to display in OSX's calendar app. I have granted free/busy permissions to Group A and set the default to none and anonymous to none. User A who is a member of Group A on OSX 10.8.5 can see the room resources displayed in Calendar similar to. User B who is also a member of Group A on OSX 10.8.5 does not get a list in Calendar. User B can access the calendar using Outlook 2011. Users C through Z are also like User B.

Is there some special check box I am missing to get it working for Users B through Z?

Your detailed instructions work great in regards to syncing what used to be a delegate and turning it into a primary calender in iCal. Now when I make changes within iCal or google calender both of my calenders sync up automatically. However, the first primary calender that I created, is automatically synced with my iphone. But when I create the next primary calender with your instruction my iphone doesn't recognize it. I am having trouble syncing up the next primary calender with my iphone. Is anyone else having a problem with this?

How can I get all my calenders to sync with iCal, iPhone and google calenders? Dmcinnc 26/9/2009, 7:26 น. Whitechino - thanks for the instructions. I was able to synch 1 of my delegate calendars to my iphone, but now I don't understand how to sych the other two I have on my Google Calendars (to either my iphone or iCal on my laptop). All other calendars have disappeared under 'delegates' in iCal. Additionally, this error showed up: Calendar could not be found. (note that I put MYGROUPCALENDARID in place of the real group calendar ID I pasted into the address - I did check, and what I pasted is consistent with your instructions) I only half understand what I'm doing here (okay, half is being generous), so apologies ahead of time if I've missed something obvious.

Cymro29 26/9/2009, 12:25 น. Yeah, cool workaround, but it's still a workaround. As I MAINLY use my calendars on my iPhone while working in the hospital, it's actually quite useless, though. I need to be able to keep my different calendars (surgeries, patient visits, research.) up to date on my iPhone. As it stands now, I cannot update or enter anything new in those calendars from my iPhone now, which is where I really want to do it, since it is the device I have on me all the time while I see my patients. Anyone knows if Google or Apple are planning on fixing this issue? Cymro29 27/9/2009, 12:20 น.

Short of using a third-party app like Spanning Sync or BusySync (which seem to do the job very well), it seems there is no free way of getting all your Google Calendars under one heading in the source pane. At least not at the moment. In my opinion, the Delegates heading should be reserved for one's 'Other Calendars' in Google Calendar and not include the additional calendars (i.e.

In the Calendar app on your Mac, choose Calendar > Preferences, then click Accounts. Select the calendar account. Click Delegation, click Edit, then click the Add button. Enter the name of the person you want to give access to, then choose his or her name from the list that appears. How to use Apple’s Calendar app to add even more automation to your Mac. How to automate your Mac with Calendar How to use Apple’s Calendar app to add even more automation to your Mac.

Non-primary) that appear under 'My Calendars' (i.e. Viewable/modifiable) in Google Calendar. I figure this is Google's bug to fix since it's Google's CalDAV system that's making the extra/additional 'My Calendars' show up under 'Delegates' in iCal, versus all under one heading like everyone wants. I hope this gets fixed. I have tried this multiple times without success, retracing my steps searching for any of my errors.

I can't find what I'm doing wrong. The sync works perfect on all of my calenders between Google Calendar and iCal. I can also view all of my events on my iphone as well. However, when I tried setting up the CalDAV as WhiteChino suggests it only works for my primary google calender and not the delegates. When I tried setting up secondary calender it sets up, but when I go into the calender app on the iphone and post a new event to the secondary calender it shows up only on the primary calender. I have SEVERAL secondary calenders can someone please help me out? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, tyfisk Hashem, 23:35 น. You can sync multiple calendars on the iphone using Exchange. All you need to do is open Safari, go to, click the more tab on the top of the page, click the even more option. Find the sync icon and tap it.


You may need to sign in. Once you sign in it will show you a list of devices. Click on the name that corresponds to the device you're using. It'll give you a list of calendars you can sync. Once you check them and save, the calendar app should automatically start syncing them. This works much better than individually adding all the calendars, and i believe google added support for up to 25 from the original 5 calendar limit. I just recently purchased a macbook pro and have been looking for a solution to the 'delegation' tab.

I believe i have tried syncing google calendars on a mac before and it worked seamlessly. Im wondering if this is an issue with snow leopard. Google's automated method of adding calendars using a program called calaboration was pulled from the website. Any thoughts? Badawiq 13/2/2010, 14:45 น.

This has all been very helpful, and I now have wireless sync working on my iPod Touch via Exchange/CalDAV to my google calendar and iCal. However, I do have one issue remaining: When I view iPod calendar, I see duplicate entries for all calendar events. I assume this is due to existing wired iTunes calendar sync in addition to new wireless CalDAV sync. I have disabled iTunes calendar sync, but still have the Any suggestions for removing or hiding the existing duplicate calendars/entries on my iPod Touch w/o disrupting the CalDAV sync to gooCal and iCal? Ncburkes 5/3/2010, 9:15 น.

OK, I did a bit more searching, and found a great article describing the precise situation I am experiencing with duplicate calendar entries on my iPod Touch, along with a clear explanation and a solution. In an nutshell, wireless and wired (iTunes) syncing of calendars is resulting in duplication of calendars. This can be corrected by creating a new calendar in iCal with nothing in it (name it 'Empty Calendar' or something similarly descriptive). Then go into iTunes and select calendar syncing to the selected calendar 'Empty Calendar' only. No more double entries. Kthes 24/3/2010, 7:01 น.

After having musing one hour or two around to find the right answer, I found the easiest and most beautiful solution as the following: 1. Follow google's instructions to setup your main account using Exchange (heck!) protocol. ON YOUR IPHONE, launch Safari and go to - don't forget to choose ENGLISH (US) language, it doesn't work in other languages (at least french doesn't work) 3. Authenticate and the select the delegates you want to add to your iphone's calendar. Keep in mind that the calendar's color will be choosed automatically in the following order: red, orange, blue, green, purple. Add them one at a time if you want to choose the color order.

Have fun Pagaille Solenoid 10/6/2010, 8:40 น. That was hard, but so worth it. Now my iPhone, iCal and Google Calendar are all in sync (multiple calendars) and work both ways (have to pass trough Google though). This also makes it possible to expand it later to other computers/phones. Now in case I lose both my iPhone and MacBook I know I have all my stuff at Google's. For some reason iTunes won't sync calendars over USB anymore, but they're synced over the air so that's not a problem.

I can see a problem if it did sync over USB: let's say I make a new event in my iPhone, it will be synced to my GCal and iCal before I connect my iPhone to my computer, now once I connect the iPhone (if iTunes did sync calendars) iTunes would see a different timestamp in iCal and on my iPhone (not sure here), which would make it update the entry in the iPhone (since the entry in iCal was made after - downloaded later - the one in my iPhone). That would lead to an infinite loop, but a very slow one and since it doesn't work. Well, that's good! Also the same thing for data: check out Dropbox: Solenoid 10/6/2010, 11:23 น. I followed your instructions to the letter.

After I de-selected all of my delegates through the iCalPreferencesAccountsDelegates panel, I tried creating a new account. After entering my gmail account information and pasting the Calendar ID as instructed, I was given an error message. Here is a screen shot: Here is a screen shot of what my millions of delegates looked like (before they were all de-selected) Basically I want my iCal and google calendar to be exactly the same, but I am unsure what will work or how I can do this. At this point, I'm ready to just completely erase one and import it totally into the other, but I am still stuck on this. I could really use the help, as I use these calendars to keep track of my freelance work schedule with different clients, but having to check between these two calendars (and my black berry calendar) is getting way too confusing! I would really appreciate if you could either email me directly or find some way to help me get this figured out step by step, if you have the time.

I really really appreciate all the help. Thank you so much. Rosemarie.Hobbs 3/7/2010, 9:51 น.

How Add Delegates Apple Calendar For Mac Free

Does anyone know how to combine the calendars of multiple delegates? For example, I want to see my daughter's calendars (which I have access to see, but not write to) but through her account she has a calendar for school, work, sports, etc. Each of these shows up as a different calendar under a distinct delegate in ical so I have Sports Sports Work Work School School etc. Is it possible to do something like Daughter School Work Sports So I can turn on and off all the subcalendars at once?

How Add Delegates Apple Calendar For Macbook Pro

Rr2box42 26/8/2010, 10:32 น. After many attempts at fixing a problem with google calendar and Ical, I found a the solution. I was having trouble with importing other calendars (like I had with my google calendar) when I began using ical. The additional calendars would block me from making any updates to my own ical calendar.very frustrating. What I finally did was to import my google calendar as an 'account'. Then all those calendars that I wanted to reference I added as a 'subscription'. This immediately allowed me to view all the calendars at one time and STILL be able to update my own calendar.

Hope this helps someone out there. Minh Marie, 21:12 น. Some of you are asking how to view delegate calendars on your iPhone. There's an easier way: all you have to do is go to, log in to your account, and select the delegate calendars you want to see in your iPhone's calendar. I used BusySync for years which got rid of that stupid nested delegate structure. However, I recently switches to BusyCal because I still have a PPC G5 w/OS10.5 (still runs great!), and Apple 'broke' sync services for iCal on non-Intel machines. BusyCal made my Mac feel new again.

Pasq 5/12/2011, 5:47 น.

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